Our new website guide: 1. GET THE DOMAIN NAME RIGHT – Buying a domain (, .com) with your business name is the most obvious choice but this is not always […]
Most people associate the word ‘blog’ with indulgent, personal online diaries like those depicted in films like The Social Network. Though this type of blog is still very popular, business blogs are something very different.
A company blog should be seen as the foundation of any online marketing or social media campaign. It’s the bridge between your social media channels like Twitter and Facebook and the product/sales pages on your website. It’s a crucial link in the sales chain that most companies choose to ignore – to their detriment.
According to HubSpot Companies that blog 15 or more times per month get 5x more traffic than companies that don’t.
So, why are blogs so effective? All websites have ‘static’ pages. These are pages like the ‘about us’ page, or the pages that describe your products or services. They’re ‘static’ because they rarely change.
But a blog is very different. The content that’s published here changes on a regular basis. Each time you post a new blog post Google will re-visit your site to see what new content is there. In the eyes of the search engines, this constant ‘re-visiting’ will constantly re-affirm your site’s importance and relevancy. The result? Better search engine rankings, more traffic and more sales!
Another reason we strongly urge all our customers to start a company blog is it’s effectiveness as a business communication tool.
It’s the perfect place to answer common questions that your customers ask, give your customers an insight into life at your company and show your expertise. If you can then promote your articles through your various social media channels, you will see a steady increase in targeted, engaged visitors!
Good question! In truth, the reason most companies don’t have a blog is simple. They don’t have the time, resources or expertise to do it properly.
Our blogging services are designed specifically for companies in this situation.
We can take complete control of your company blog. We’ll sit down with you, build an understanding of the content, tone and style that you want to promote through your blog. We’ll then research, write, edit and optimise each article so that it exactly fits your brief.
Once the article is written, we will then upload it to your website, optimise it for the search engines, add images and then give you the option to approve the content before it goes live.
Read Also: Power of Digital Marketing
If you’re interested in starting a company blog, or if you are struggling to update your existing blog, why not give us a call? We will happily sit down and talk you through how it could work for you.