Our new website guide: 1. GET THE DOMAIN NAME RIGHT – Buying a domain (, .com) with your business name is the most obvious choice but this is not always […]
In case you hadn’t noticed, the ‘mobile revolution’ is well underway. If you haven’t got at least one device that you can carry around with you whilst browsing the internet, you are firmly in the minority.
So, you’re probably thinking, “great, but what does that mean for my business?”
Well, the answer is “quite a lot!”
People WILL visit your website whilst using a mobile phone. Whether it’s on an iPad, Smartphone or Kindle, that person could be your next big customer! Unfortunately, unless your website is responsive, you will probably lose out to one of your competitors.
A ‘responsive’ website will respond and adapt to the hundreds of different ways that people can now access it. Screen sizes, browsers and devices all show a website in a slightly different way. Unless the website can adapt, it won’t look quite right. Try it now. Try re-sizing the web browser you are currently using… See how our website changes? That’s ‘responsive’.
“64% of smartphone owners are using their mobile devices to shop online.”
Responsive website design is becoming too important to ignore. There’s even evidence to suggest that websites with responsive design are starting to outrank non-responsive websites in the search engine results!
All the websites we build are made to be completely responsive. They will display beautifully on any device you can imagine. We also make sure that they not only look right, but work right too.
If you have any questions about responsive web design please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’d love to talk you through how it works.
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