Should I Update My WordPress?

You may have been recently notified that WordPress wants you to update your WordPress website.  Here at Web Adept we do recommend staying in touch with the latest WordPress platform updates.  WordPress release these updates in order to stay ahead of current security threats, bug fixes and feature updates.
However as more and more updates fly past you it’s easy to fall behind in your updates.  If quite a few updates have been and gone doing a major WordPress update may seriously set your website off kilter and affect the way your website looks and functions dramatically.

WordPress Vulnerability

Due to the open-source nature of WordPress vulnerabilities need to be dealt with swiftly.  A malware attach or injection into your website can cause your website to be blacklisted, brought down, or for customer details or data stored within it to be stolen.  All of these eventualities can cause a loss in customer confidence. Ignoring these updates should only be done at your peril – could your company afford to fall foul of security breaches?

So, should I update my website?

Because of the risk inherent in processing a major WordPress update we recommend contacting us so that we can take a full back-up of your website before going ahead with the update in order to ensure that if the worst was to happen then your website will be back up and functioning correctly as soon as possible.
Unfortunately battling with updates and bug-fixing is the nature of web design. When we build a website we make sure everything is working correctly and it is built around the current WordPress/Plugin versions. 9 times out of 10 updates are fine to implement but occasionally there can be an update where a function has depreciated or changed so that it no longer works with other 3rd party software or plugins. If you imagine them like cogs working together, if something small changes it has a knock on effect on all of the other cogs and something breaks. This is just the nature and progression of the internet/IT software and is out of our hands.

Read Also: Five Reasons Your Website Isn’t Generating Sales

If you’re interested in taking advantage of this new WordPress update but would like a guarantee that  your website will  not lose functionality or appeal then why not contact us now?  If it’s a one-off fix or a service level agreement you’re after we will be able to help.