Our new website guide: 1. GET THE DOMAIN NAME RIGHT – Buying a domain (, .com) with your business name is the most obvious choice but this is not always […]
What a month….. So far this month we’ve delivered a load of web site, social media and seo training workshops across South Wales. When you work in this industry you have so many extremes of knowledge…. On one side you have the ones that know a lot and you have to really concentrate to keep up and take in the information. Then on the other side you have the real world, the actual public and people that use the internet and their knowledge. Training shows you what people know and what they use. It makes you realise that all you have to do it keep it simple as thats all people want.
Anyway the workshops we have just delivered are:
All are delivered in English and not jargon so everyone can understand what we’re going on about. Always helps…..