Our new website guide: 1. GET THE DOMAIN NAME RIGHT – Buying a domain (, .com) with your business name is the most obvious choice but this is not always […]
Marketing your business online has become a core part of every business’ marketing strategy. Make sure that you understand everything your online marketing agency or digital marketer is telling you with Web Adept’s Online Marketing Jargon Buster – an A-Z of important Digital Marketing terms.
Analytics/Web Analytics Tools – All websites should now include Analytics. Analytics allow you to analyze the way people use and find your website/mobile app over devices and browsers with the view of improving your website and marketing campaigns based on hard usage data.
App/Application – A program which can be downloaded onto mobile devices.
Banner Ad – An advert found on a website, usually an image with a link behind it. If you’re looking to include paid advertising in your website this is probably the easiest route to go down.
Blog – Used to mean a website just focused on the opinions/knowledge of one person – now an update-able area of a website where you can add content which is great for the user and the search engines.
Browser – The program used to search the Internet whether on computers or mobile devices. These include Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari etc. If your Analytics show that certain browsers are yielding the worst results you should check out your site in that Browser and see if some functionality is being lost on that browser.
Click-through Rate/CTR – The rate at which users are clicking on an item in comparison to the number of times users are exposed to it. So if 100 people are exposed to an advert and only 1 person clicks on it the CTR will be 1%.
Content – The material you generate for users. This can include video, text, audio and images. This should be good quality and your content is also used by Search Engines in order to index websites.
Conversion – When the visitor to your website takes the action you want. On an e-commerce website this would be purchasing something, on a brochure website this could be collecting their email address or them calling you.
Conversion Optimization – Working to improve and increase the percentage of your visitors who take the action you want them too on your website. (see Conversion for examples of what this might be.)
Conversion Rate – The rate at which you are making your conversions, how often people are taking your desired action on your website. Your conversion rate can be used to to measure your online performance.
Cost Per Click – The price paid to produce a single click on a digital advertisement, such as through Google Ad-words.
Crawler – Used by Search Engines, Crawlers are used to systematically run through online content in order to help organise search results in order of most useful for the user.
Desktop – A personal computer or laptop, rather than a mobile device.
E-commerce – Online sales of products and services
Email Marketing – Emailing users marketing content in order to share information and special offers or services, can be tracked in order to see who is opening and actioning your email marketing campaigns.
Impressions – The number of times an advert is displayed online. Impressions can then translate to Click Through Rate if action is taken (see Click Through Rate.)
Index – A catalogue of webpages on your website which is used by search engines in order to provide relevant results to the user.
Keyword – The word or phrase which a user might search for in order to find your business online. Tailoring your content to these keywords can be a useful part of your digital marketing campaign.
Landing Page – The first page which a visitor ‘lands’ on. Not necessarily the homepage.
Link – An image or snippet of text which links either a page on a website to another page on the website, or linking to an outside website.
Mobile Device – A portable device which you can use to view the internet and run apps – such as Smartphones and Tablets. As opposed to a Desktop.
Organic Search Results – The results generated in Search Engines as they appear rather than Paid Search Results. In order to improve your Organic Search Result you will need to have a look at your online marketing strategy.
Paid Listings – The opposite of the Organic Search Results – Advertisements which appear on the top of Search Engine results page.
Pay Per Click (PPC) – A form of Paid Listing, PPC is a an advertising system which businesses use to put their paid ad’s at the top of the search engines and which is paid for per click.
Query – The search term used by a user in order to find what they are looking for online.
Ranking – The position of a website/listing in a page of search engine results.
Search Engine – A tool which provides internet users with the relevant indexed content in response to their entered keywords. The most popular search engine is Google, but others include Bing and Yahoo etc.
Search Engine Marketing – Marketing your website in order to improve it’s presence in Search Engine Results (see Search Engine Results Page.)
Search Engine Results Page (SERP) – the page of results which Search Engines create in response to a user’s search term. These are pages which are ranked in order of usefulness to the user following the Search Engine’s Crawler indexing websites.
Sessions – The amount of time spent by a single user on your website. A session includes the amount of time spent there, the amount of pages visited and e-commerce transactions.
Social Media – Content which is created for sharing across Social Networks. Social Media can take the form of pictures, text, and videos.
Social Network – A platform on which users/businesses can create profiles and share their social media content. Social Media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Pintrest etc.
Traffic Acquisition – The traffic which your website acquires. Traffic is the stream of visitors who are visiting your website, app or other digital assets.
Unique Visitor – A single individual visitor to your website during a specific time period. No matter how often one person visits your website they will still just be one Unique Visitor.
URL/Uniform Resource Locator – the address for a particular piece or page of digital content online. Each page or piece has it’s own individual at which it can be found online – this is it’s URL.
Still not sure you know your Unique Visitor from a URL? Why not sign up for a Web Adept consultation session and let us help you get the most out of your online presence now. Contact us now for more information.
Read More: Setting Up Google Analytics